Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Two years ago, a (big) little miracle entered our lives. Jake is two-years-old today! Every baby is an unbelievable miracle, but Jake is an extra measure of God's love, mercy, and grace on our lives. He shouldn't be here today... much less doing SO well! He is a 'normal' healthy little guy, and no one would ever guess what he has been through in his short little life. THAT is the miracle I am talking about!

Jake was born with four heart defects, two of which should have cost him his life. He had a 9-hour open heart surgery at six-days-old, and another emergency surgery that same night where he actually did die. God put the right people in the right place at the right time to let us enjoy our little miracle today! And what a joy he is to our family! We don't/can't stop smiling when he is around!

Our miracle workers:

Lyndsey Piland - Jake's Guardian Angel... that just says it all! She was there by our side every step of the way and was in charge the night Jake had his emergency surgery, and it is because of her that the right people were in place that Jake needed that day and evening (and more).
Dr. Kirshbom - aka Superman... God gave him an amazing talent to perform these miraculous surgeries on our little guy, and he did not squander this gift from God.
Dr. Samai - Jake's cardiologist, who prepared us for what was to come with Jake, and has been so personal and supportive of us and of course Jake. He is an amazing doctor - again, extremely gifted by God, and chooses to use his God-given gifts and talents for wonderful things.
CICU Staff - they were just amazing in Jake's care and quick recovery.
My parents - who watched over Sam, Jake and us during this trying time... they are amazing, giving and loving people. We would not have made it through without them by our side every step of the way!
Our friends and family - aka prayer warriors... there are too many to name, but these were the people who prayed for us, fed us, called us, wrote us, and lifted us up in so many ways multiple times a day. Prayer is a VERY powerful thing!

Looking at this picture brings back so many memories, not to mention tears! This is Jake less than a week old...
And here he is today! I call him my fearless kamikaze! He will run, jump (launch), swim, dive, ride (usually saying, "Go faster!"), anything and everything! Nothing bothers him, scares him or slows him down! I LOVE IT!!!!! After Jake's story, NO ONE can say that God isn't listening or that He isn't in the miracle business!

Two years ago seems like a lifetime ago, yet it feels like just yesterday. I fear that one day these memories may fade, or that I won't 'appreciate' my little Jake enough... so far, that is far from the case! I can look back at pictures and re-live the details of each day in the hospital, I can feel that pressure in my chest, I can bawl my eyes out, I can smell the smells of the hospital, I can hear the beeps of the equipment, I can remember the nurses and doctors, I can remember the meds and machines, I can see his little heart beating (literally)... all of these things are still so vivid. Thank God! I don't want to ever take EITHER of my children for granted!

In these past couple of years, we have had the pleasure of using Jake's story to comfort other families in similar situations, to offer hope, to offer understanding and to offer support. Recently, a family we were supporting lost their son after a month in the CICU. He was born with other issues along with a CHD, which they weren't aware of until birth. My heart breaks for these families that have lost their children. I cannot imagine such a loss. On the flip-side, my heart rejoices with those families who get to go home with their babies. It is a range of emotions that I honestly would rather NOT deal with. The pit in your stomach and the choking feeling in your throat is not fun. BUT, God has led us down this road, and we choose to do something with it, and not just to leave it behind us. If that means re-living our experience, or experiencing heartache with other families, and joy with others; that is what we will do.

For today, though, I am just so thrilled to be able to sweep my little baby up into my arms, give him a BIG kiss and tell him HAPPY BIRTHDAY (and probably tickle him a little because his laugh is infectious)!

I love you Jake Robert!!! Happy Birthday!!!

1 comment:

Lyndsey said...

I LOVE JAKE ROBERT TOO!!!! Thanks for sharing this sweet story again. It will forever be all too fresh in my mind....a constant reminder of GOD'S GOODNESS and FAITHFULNESS!