This being said, we are off to BJ's brother's wedding and then Disney World tomorrow... and I am also one of those people who want the house clean, dishwasher empty, no dirty dishes in the sink, all laundry done and put away, house picked up, etc, etc. SOOOO.... part of my need for organization and to be caught up on absolutely EVERYTHING seems to include my blog! Yay!!!
My usual list of things I don't want to forget (see, even lists for my kids!):
- We took Jake to the cardiologist the other day, and he is still doing wonderful. I'm not gonna lie, there's always that gut-check moment waiting for the doctor to confirm this! He even said that, at this rate, that Jake may even make it to his teen years before he has to have surgery on his coarc again! Wow! What a little miracle!!!
- Before Sam's first week of school, Mimi and Pop Pop got Jake so Sam and I could have some 'special time.' It was a wonderful week with my big little guy! But when we left the farm, we just left... no formal good-byes or anything. We didn't want Sam getting upset that Jake was staying. Before we even got out of the driveway, Sam was asking, "Where's Jake? Where's Jake's seat? Should we go back and get him? After school, can we go back and get him?" I don't know if he was more concerned that Jake got 'left' or if he was afraid Jake would have fun without him!?
- BJ got Sam out of bed on his first day of school, and Sam said, "Where's Mommy? This is Sam and Mommy's special day... but you can come to my birthday, Dad!" [And bring a gift, I am sure!]
- We were walking through Wal-Mart and Sam said to me, "Jake's an idiot!" After making him repeat that to be sure I heard what I thought I heard, I had to explain that 'idiot' is a bad word... ugh! Where did he learn that???
- Jake smacks his lips when chewing! VERY endearing (right now). I'm sure when he's 30 it won't be anymore, but right now, I think it's precious!
- This morning at breakfast, Sam asked, "Can Daddy just go to the houses and get candy for me?" After some deep thinking (I have Disney on the brain, people), I realized he was referring to Halloween! What a lazy bum!!!!!!! :-)
- Which leads me to the vast difference between my two boys. Jake is VERY independent. His mantra is "Me do it." And by that, I mean EVERYTHING... and he gets SOO upset when I try to help him! Sam, on the other hand would let me do EVERYTHING FOR him! Why, just this morning, he called me to his room to get his flashlight... it was laying BESIDE him (basically TOUCHING him) in his bed!!!! It's not that he didn't see it - he just wanted ME to pick it up for him!!!!! Really... I'm not lying!!!! It's that way ALL day... makes me laugh so much, though!!!
Picture time...
Sam and Jake on the grasshopper at the playground...
Jake eating a cupcake. I had my hand down while helping Sam with his, and Jake just dove his head right in... literally!
Sam's first day of 3-yr-old pre-school... I took his picture 'going out the door,' and he proceeded to EVERY door in the house wanting a picture! I obliged! ;-)
I didn't post ALL of them, but who can resist Sam's cheesy grin?
In the carpool line...
Getting out...
After school when I picked him up... he got in the car and proceeded to the back-back seat and buckled up! What a ham... No worries - I made him get in his car seat... although I would be lying if I didn't admit that I considered letting him ride back there! He was so cute about it!
Sam did great at school. His teacher called to give me a report, and he was really good and had a great time. He said he got to play on the 'big playground,' and he ate cupcakes and crackers, and played with Everett. What a cutie!
The pencil he made at school...Here, we're at a birthday party with Bo and Jen...
This really needs no words... they're at Mimi and Pop Pop's house...
Jake with his foot on the table saying, "Me eat, Mommy!"
Warning: spoiler!!!! Sam's Batman costume for Halloween! He's 3, and this is a 3T/4T. WAAAAAY too small, in case you can tell! It's so tight that the mask pulled his nose up!!!!
Jake is going to be Buzz... what a cutie! His fit fine!!!! ;-)
The 'big boy' Batman... much better!!!
BJ (in preparation for the trip, of course) mowing the grass with his little helper... BJ took his shirt off, and Sam ran up to me shortly after holding his shirt so he could be like Daddy! Jake was running around mowing the grass and promptly took his off too.... he just wouldn't slow down for a picture!!!!
Ahhh.... (one of) my little angel(s)! They are just so sweet and innocent and peaceful when they're asleep...
OK... onto the next item on the 'To Do List.'
Disney or Bust!!!
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