Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

More Summer Fun...

Summertime brings lots of fun... and lots of pictures!!!!
At the farm again! The boys and I went out and spent a few days with Jen!They enjoyed this little tub over the big pool! (Of course they're naked... it's the farm - they think that gives them freedom!!!)One of MANY four-wheeler rides! ("WHEEEEEEL... RIDE" --Jake)More playtime in their pool on the deck!Yes, Sam is relieving himself, and no, it's not the farm... but my house doesn't have wet footprints tracked through it either!!!!!!Jake and his 'gasses!"Sam having fun at a cookout!Jake and I did too!Jen has been giving Sam and Jake swim lessons. They're doing WONDERFUL! Jen's the best!Jake chillin' while eating his lunch at the pool! See his head? He ATE it on the pool deck!This is the same injury just a day or so later! It looks awful now! Poor baby!Yes, this is my little exhibitionist! He is ALWAYS removing his diaper for me! When I get him up, he always tells me, "Mommy, Daddy, Diaper!" So if he gets it, WHY does he still DO it????"Funny?" (Actually, no Jake it's not... but he's still just SO CUTE!)Jake, what are you doing baby?"Go poo poo!"Sam in the jumpy house at the neighbor's birthday party!Jake in the jumpy house... he IS crying; however, he loved playing in it, and actually got in it way before Sam did!!!!Our playdate friends at the pool! It's nice that the kids are at such a fun age for outings to the pool (a little more stress-free, that is)!!!!

1 comment:

Kate Wicker said...

Gosh, they're cute...