Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

He's full of QUESTIONS!!!

Jake: "Why Mom?" (To EVERYTHING!!!)

Why is it raining?
Where does the rain come from?
Why do the clouds get full?
Where do the clouds come from?
How does the Sun suck up water?
Where does it get the water from?
Why are cars different colors?
Why doesn't everybody have a car like ours?
Who is he?
Who is she?
Why is he/she doing that?
Why are you doing that?
Where is Daddy?
Why does Daddy have to work?
Why do we need food?
Where are we going?
Is Jake a baby?
Am I a big boy?
Why are I a big boy?
Why is Jake a baby?
Where are Mimi and Pop Pop?
Can Mimi and Pop Pop come over to see me?
Why not?
Why are they not close enough?
What's vacation?
Can I go on vacation?
Where is Disney World?
Can we go to the beach?
Can I have Orange Juice?
Just because Jake does, doesn't mean I can (I think he's heard this quite a bit!!!)
***This is only a FEW of the questions I am so blessed to answer each day!***

I forgot to post pictures from Sam's last day of his first year of school. Here he is with his two awesome teachers! Even though his face doesn't look like it, he really really liked his teachers a lot!!!Mommy and Daddy and Jake enjoying school festivities with him!
And Mimi and Pop Pop did too! They are so proud of their little guy!
We always have lots and lots of fun at the farm!!!
We put Jake down for a nap, and this is what I walked into when I heard him call Mommy! He was so quiet! And he does this quite often!? Sometimes there is poop, sometimes there isn't!This time... there was POOP! At least he doesn't play in it, but wherever his hiney lands, there (of course) is poop! YUM! The last time he did this to me before he went to sleep, I finally used masking tape to keep the diaper on... I went back in, and he STILL HAD THE DIAPER OFF!!!! The tape was still firmly around his middle!!!!! Geez....Jack comes back with a wide assortment of bones and carcasses... this appeared to be a hip bone from a deer!? He's an animal!!!Sprinkler... Jake and Jack loved it...
Sam took a little getting used to! BUT, I think he was just worried about messing up his clothes!!! HAHAHA!!!!
Spiderman Goggles!
He actually got a few bites on his hiney from this!!!!
Somehow, sprinkler fun always turns into naked time for the kids!!!!????
Sam and Jake's pool! TONS of fun for these guys! They LOVE their pool on their deck!Jake dumping water on himself...Jake dumping water out of the pool! (By the end of the day, the pool had MAYBE 1/4 of the water left!!!!)
Sam hard at working helping Daddy!Sorry... they're just so darn cute!Daddy even let him push the mower!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Oh I hope my child doesn't want to do the naked thing in the crib! That is hilarious! The pics of the lawnmowers are so sweet!