Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

We're moving!

Jake's moving!!!! Backwards anyway!!! He's getting better everyday at scooting himself... back!!!! He also has two little teeth! We worked hard for those, but I have my little happy baby back again... for a little while, anyway!!!!! And I swear he KNOWS I'm Mama... and he CALLS for me........ surely, right??????? =)

Sam's latest game is to get up NUMEROUS times once we put him to bed. The other night, we started at 8:30 and ended at 10:30. Unfortunately, that's how long it took for us to figure out that "we are the parents and SHOULD be in control here!" Light bulb moment... again! We finally told Sam he would lose his pi (paci) if he got up again. Oh, he tried it, lost the pi and cried like we had removed a limb! He never calmed down, so we had to give him the pi back on the condition that he DID NOT get back up. He didn't (thank goodness)! I now understand why parents say, "This hurts me more than it hurts you."

Thank goodness, the getting up has gotten better, but we still must remove the pi (only to give it back in a bit) every now and then! It just devastates the poor child!!!!

Last night, BJ told Sam he could ONLY get up if he had to go tee tee! Rookie mistake (even though "this ain't his first rodeo" - as BJ likes to tell me)! Sam promptly came to the door saying, "Sam need to tee tee." BJ took him, and I came out of Jake's room from putting him down at that time. I put Sam back in bed and told him good night. As I was laying him down, he said, "Sam need to tee tee again!" with that SLY smile of his! I told him no way and that he was silly. Reminded him he could lose his pi and left (pleasant dreams, huh?). Then BJ filled me in - no worries - I swatted him upside the head and told him not to think for himself again!!!!! It was only funny because it only happened once!!!!!!!

About 30 minutes later, Sam came to his door again. I think he had dozed off, realized it, ran for the door, then freaked out that he would lose his pi, because when he reached the door, he calls out in a worried voice, "You OK Mommy?" Seriously, no joking! It was hysterical!!!! He was acting like he had heard something and I might need his help!? That kid!!!!!

Today, BJ has a late meeting, so I am on my own ALL DAY and ALL NIGHT! They're both being good so far, if you want to count Sam using his potty seat as a hat, Sam climbing on the back of the high chair while I'm trying to feed Jake - hence Jake wincing expecting the worst b/c he being jarred back and forth while trying to eat, Sam running around and shrieking (one of his latest discoveries), etc, etc as a good day!

Actually, Jake napped good this morning, Sam and I read a lot of books, we played on the swing set, had a friend over to play, pooped (big deal), and Sam is napping now! OH! And Sam has eaten at least three meals so far today! He is constantly in the frig or the pantry saying, "Sam hungry," "Want fruit," or something!!!! When he just wants attention, he just says, "Sam NEEDS SOMETHING!"

We got something in the mail a couple of days ago that totally brought us back to 'reality.' Can we never just live in our dream world of perfect health?????? It was a piece of paper for our records telling us what type of implant Jake has. Ummmmm... I wasn't aware that he got a new heart..... then BJ reminded me that they used a patch for part of the repairs that was some kind of tissue implant. I felt better, but every few weeks we get SOMETHING that reminds us of where we've been, but also of how incredibly BLESSED we are! I guess we've got to get things like this because I'm pretty much immune to the Humana statements that come at least a couple times a week still!!!!!!!! ;)

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