Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

It's only 11? In the MORNING?

Man, it's only 11 AM, and I think I've heard "I'm hungry" at least 10 different times!

Today, we have already:
  • Taken a wagon ride up to the 'big playground' and played for 15 minutes before Sam was ready to "Go home and play on Sam's swing set!"
  • Gotten the kiddie pool out and filled it ONE GALLON at a time, played, and decided to get out after 15 minutes! But not before Sam had to tee tee twice (he was too wet to go in, so being a bad Mommy with a boy, I let him tee tee off the deck - I sure hope all the neighbors were at work! The trick was aiming BETWEEN the rails!), threw the towel in the pool that I put at the door to keep wet feet from tracking in, and got water in our eyes at least twice!

  • We have watched Sesame Street (parts), Super Why (parts) and played our video game.
  • All the while, feeding Jake, changing diapers, dressing him, and getting him down for a nap!

I'm beat! I am the one that needs a nap!!!

Here are some new pictures...

Jake is literally smiling ALL the time!

Is it just me, or do I look a little haggard?How come BJ never does?Jake showing me his new pearly whites! The other night, BJ was trying to get Jake to crawl - putting a toy just out of reach. Sam got in the floor in front of Jake and was saying, "Come on Jake. Crawl Jake." When Jake didn't adhere to his request/command, Sam went over and started to pick him up (first time he's really tried to pick him up - good thing he's a chunk!) and said, "It's OK Jake. I'll help you!" (Was this a repeat story? Oh well... if it was it was just as cute the second time!!!)

You know the 'noise' you make when you're saying "no" but it's "unh, unh?" We apparently use that noise/phrase a good bit, because Sam now tells us "unh, unh!" OR, better yet, he'll 'tell himself' when he's doing something he KNOWS he shouldn't... for instance: pulling pine straw out of the flower beds with his hands, tractor, feet, rake... you get the picture. It's a never-ending struggle!!!

OH! And since we have had to take Sam's paci away because he kept getting out of bed which caused the crying like we had removed a limb, he won't even get out of bed when he wakes up - whether it be from his nap or in the mornings! It's quite funny! He'll sit up and just yell for "Mommy... Daddy... Mommy/Daddy!" SOMEBODY???? Ahhhh... We win (for now)!

I have been summoned for Jury Duty! HA! Apparently the county doesn't keep up with my blog!!! It's actually something I think I would enjoy being that I minored in law and contemplated law school - legal matters just interest me. However, I had to write a letter to try and excuse myself. We shall see how that goes. I certainly don't want to abuse the fact that Jake had open heart surgery, but you better believe it was somewhat MENTIONED in the letter! I'm not one to shrug off my civic duties, so hopefully I can fulfill this particular obligation at a later date!

To be continued...

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