Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

36 weeks and counting...

Well, today is 36 weeks... I delivered at 36 weeks and 1 day with Sam! Needless to say, I am in nesting overdrive!!! I have been taking care of Sam all morning because BJ is in Sam's new room painting - he should be done with that today - and we got the border and it is going to look AWESOME with the paint. When he went down for a nap, I went out and cut bushes in front of the house. They were just too tall and bothering me - BJ came out and busted me and got upset with me. Next, I finished that and went to take my shower - decided it was dirty and was on my hands and knees scrubbing - BJ came in and scolded me again!
Normally, this wouldn't be a big deal, but we want Jake to stay in my belly as long as possible so that his heart is as big as possible when he's born... but, selfishly, I would be JUST FINE delivering today! I am extremely large (well, at least this time I am all belly - it's just large to me b/c I can't bend over or get up off the couch without looking like a turtle that landed on it's shell!)! You know it's bad when you have Sam pulling you saying, "Up, Mommy!" Nonetheless, I am trying SO HARD to take it easy and 'relax' (as much as is possible with an 18-month-old), and all that not-so-fun-stuff! But, my mind is still going 190 mph... thinking of stuff I could/should be doing!
All that aside, the pregnancy is still fine. I am over being pregnant, but was pretty much over it at 10 weeks too! All this stuff to deal with (MILDLY swollen ankles, tired all the time, using the bathroom all the time, can't sleep due to the frequent trips to the potty, indigestion, reflux, uncomfortable, inability to move quickly - quite necessary with Sam around - I could go on...) is getting really old! I want my body back!!!! Oh, Well... it could be so much worse, and I realize that!!!!!
Another thing I 'need' to do is update my blog!!!! =) I guess the more I have done before Jake gets here, the less overwhelming I think it will be to 'catch back up'... huh - not likely, but a good thought!!!!
Sam is getting cuter and smarter everyday... I was talking to Mama and Daddy on the phone and was telling them how Sam can flush our toilets now - I see a Sam-blur running from the kitchen to the bathroom, hear the toilet flush, then see a proud Sam walking out... just because he HEARD me talking about it! BJ said, "What's up Homey?" at the dinner table last night, and Sam now calls everyone Homey... that's just a small sample of what this child remembers and notices!!!!! I asked Mama this morning if they had said something to Sam about a girl in one of his books looking like or being a 'dork'... Mama started laughing and said she didn't think Sam had heard her, b/c they were reading and she had said it under her breath! He didn't say anything after she said it... but remembered when he and I were reading that book!!!!!! He's just amazing me everyday with how smart and observant he is!!!!!
All right - Picture time...
Here's Sam in his Varsity hat - Mimi and Pop Pop took him, and he had the best time - I think it had more to do with Mimi and Pop Pop than anything!
Pop Pop saw this Shrek chair, and had to get it for Sam... it passes gas when you sit in it - it's the funniest thing, and Sam LOVES to make it 'Shrek' so that we'll laugh at him...But first, he had to mess with Mommy since I had the camera...
Jumping back in the chair to make it 'Shrek' - yes, I know, it's about as safe as it looks! If he falls out, he usually jumps right back in!!!
Don't think it's all fun and games... Sam has to pull his weight around here!!!! He is helping his Daddy bring in the groceries (Stormie is just trying to see if she got anything - she feels she is tortured enough to not have to do any work! =)And he's helping his Daddy carry the ladder up to his new room to start painting...Geez - you would think a man as strong as Daddy could do this by himself!!!Sam's favorite past-time - reading books! He knows what everything is on every page - right down to the clouds! He is SO smart! He is constantly wanting to "weed"!!!!
Even in the car - we have to have a book!Sam loves his "Baby Jake"! We can ask him where Baby Jake is, and he lifts my shirt and points and says "Baby Jake." And, if we ask if he loves his Baby Jake, he hugs and kisses my belly... so, so adorable!!!!I promise I'm not forcing this on him, he was just pulling his head up as BJ snapped the picture!!! =)

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