Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Friday, October 05, 2007

37 weeks and counting...

WOW! Tomorrow is 37 weeks! A week longer than I made it with Sam! I guess Sam spoiled me, because I am more 'done' with being pregnant than ever! If Jake was healthy, I would be jumping rope, jogging, SOMETHING to help him on out!!!! I do want him to stay in and get as big as possible (just not his head ;), so I have been sitting and 'relaxing' as much as possible.

Mama and Daddy have moved in - and what a blessing that has been! They take care of Sam, cook, run errands, and EVERYTHING!!!! They are so great! Sam is in heaven with all the attention and entertainment! He is Pop Pop's little buddy, for sure! Daddy can't even go to the bathroom without Sam on his heels! And when he walks out of the room, Sam is literally WHINING, "Poooooooop Pooooooooop...." (That's Pop Pop, not poop poop - FYI) It sounds so pitiful - which, of course, breaks my dad's heart, so Sam remains attached to his hip! It will be interesting to see how Sam reacts when Mimi and Pop Pop do end up leaving (which will probably be awhile!) I told Daddy that I think he may have just acquired a toddler!!!!!!

We went to the doctor Tuesday, and I am 2-3 cm dilated, and 60%-70% effaced... so we're pretty close, I would imagine, to Jake being here! I seriously doubt I'll make it to 39 weeks (at which time they said they would induce me). And, after this weekend (we're going to finish Sam's room and get everything straightened up and organized around the house), I really would like him to come early next week... think God and Jake got that memo?????? Early in the the week and in the daytime would honestly be ideal for Jake to be born so that all the doctors and cardiologists will be able to observe him and be well-rested and ready to take the best possible care of him! I know, I'm a little OCD and anal!!!!!!!

I'll keep the blog as updated as I can, and the Care Pages will be the best place to keep up with the 'details' of Jake's delivery, condition, surgery, etc.

And here are a few more pictures of little Sam...

Here is Sam with "Kee-Mo" (Cookie is 'kee' and Elmo is 'mo' --- and he came up with "Kee-Mo" when they're together!!!!!)
A family picture... too bad mommy is large here!!!!!
Our cheezy little boy!Sam and Jake's Sweet new ride!

Sam now likes to SIT on Rocky... Rocky is good, Sam thinks it's funny!!!! =)
Here is Sam in his "Big Brother" T-Shirt... he calls it his "Brother shirt" - and he's holding Baby Jake...This is probably more like how it will actually be!!!!!

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