Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Saturday, September 30, 2006


Well, we have been "farming" for the last couple of days...

Mama and Daddy went on "vacation" to the farm, so Sam, Bo, BJ and I have all been out there visiting while they were there! We like it when they vacation close by!!! We have been 4-wheeling, tractoring, and riding the mule around! It's been loads of fun. Of course, there are pictures...

Here's Daddy on the "little" tractor - this is actually Granddaddy's tractor - Sam's namesake!
Here's Bo on the big tractor... He has a mower on the back that is almost the width of two lanes of traffic - still takes awhile to mow the whole field, though!!!!Here's Sam and Mimi on the 4-wheeler... there's nothing he can't ride! Here's me and BJ on the "his and hers" 4-wheelers... like my overalls??? I thought they were appropriate since I was "farmin" This is me on the 4-wheeler, Bo on the dirt bike, and, I believe that's Mama and Sam on the Mule - not sure where BJ and Daddy are... I'm sure they were on something, though!!!!!
Sam is going to be dedicated tomorrow. At our church, they have a special ceremony in the afternoon for the parents and families of the little ones being dedicated. It is a special time, because it's me and BJ saying that Sam belongs to God, and we are promising to raise him according to how God commands us. This is a pretty big deal to us, so we are excited for tomorrow.

Pictures to follow of that event too!!!!

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