Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Friday, November 06, 2009

Halloween 2009

Halloween was a fun WEEK of celebrating and wearing costumes for the kids! Sam LOVED wearing his costume... mask and all! Jake did ok, but didn't like the 'hat' on his head so much! But they were cuties... of course!

We were supposed to go to Boo at the Zoo, but we ALL came down with an awful stomach bug that rampaged our house for about 5 days or so. It was terrible - in one night, we changed Sam's bed SIX different times because he threw up in it! I was incapacitated for an entire day, and Jake got it and puked a few times a night for at least 4 nights in a row... requiring a bath and bed change each time! BJ (thank God), didn't get the puking part, but he still suffered some of the symptoms... it was NOT a fun few days!!! BUT, we were all better and ready for Halloween when it finally got here!

Sam dressed up for his "Character Parade" at school and got to wear his costume for that...
Here's Batman... ready for school!

Sam ready to get out of the car at school as Batman!!! Buzz ready to go to Bubby's school for the Parade!
Sam marching in the 'Character Parade' for the parents... all the kids were SO CUTE!!!
Jake enjoying the parade...

Sam's class...Buzz at the after party...
Jake and Sam both enjoying snack time!!!
Time to carve the pumpkin!!!! (FINALLY!!! The kids were just beside themselves with excitement ALL DAY!!!)Scooping was their favorite part!

Sam helped his Daddy with the 'sharp part' and did a great job putting the design on the pumpkin!
Jake doing his part!
Jake was still scooping...
Hard at work... Jake found something else to get into!!!
The finished product! We steered the kids toward a simple design since we had all been sick and weren't able to carve the pumpkin until a day or two before Halloween! And we only had/did one pumpkin this year because we just weren't up for going to pick another one out! Thank you Mimi and Pop Pop for letting Sam pick one out while yall were here!!!!!!We went trick or treating with our neighbors. Here is Buzz, Batman, Woody and Tinkerbell.
Best Friends... Buzz off in his own little world!
We took these pictures, and started to our next door neighbor's house. Then it promptly started raining. UGH!!! We got umbrellas and decided to tough it out. About two houses later, it was coming down so hard that we decided to go home and wait it out. After waiting for about 20 minutes, the rain had stopped and we went on our merry way again! WHEW...
HOWEVER, Sam really wasn't that interested in going out again - he said, "Mommy, can you just go get candy for me? I think I've trick or treated enough!" (For the record, Batman Returned!!!)The kids enjoying their 'loot'!

Next item on our agenda... GARAGE SALE! I'm attempting to get rid of some stuff and clear out our basement so we can create a make-shift playroom/train station for the kids downstairs... and the proceeds will all go toward paying Santa to stop at our house this year!

It's Saturday, November 7th if you are interested in buying stuff I don't want anymore! Haha!!! One man's junk is another man's treasure... here's hoping!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I just did some catching up on your blog! Love all the pics! The fall ones and Jake's 2 year are really good! I thought you had them done professionally for a bit there! Looks like y'all had so much fun at Disney! I don't think I'll ever go on a vacation again without the grandparents!