Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Monday, November 03, 2008

Thomas and the Zoo

A couple of weeks ago, we went to Cordele, GA (about 3 - LONG - hours away) to see Thomas the Tank Engine. What an adventure! The good part is that we met Mama, Daddy and Nanny down there - we celebrated Jake's 1st birthday and Nanny's 85th.

OH - it was POURING DOWN RAIN. Driving down was a nightmare because of the rain. Driving back was a nightmare because of the kids! The things you will do for your kids...
OK - here's the beginning of the adventure....... See that house thing? The motor home is parked across from that (you can't see it b/c of our UMBRELLAS). We had to walk up this huge hill to get to a trolley (that we had to JUMP in front of and flag down to stop and pick us up). Mind you, we have two kids (Daddy and BJ and carrying them) AND an 85-yr-old woman with us!!!!
Made it to Thomas. See how hard it is raining?The name of the cars that Thomas was pulling were the Sam Shortline!Jake was so interested in Sir Topham Hat...Sam would have nothing to do with him - so he just had his picture with Pop Pop! Boarding the train (I'm sorry... THOMAS)Sam checking out the agenda, I suppose... the agenda was drive 15 minutes one way, then reverse for another 15 minutes. Yep, that's the ride!Can you tell the camera lens was fogged up? Because it was SCORCHING on board good 'ole Thomas!!!!!!We really did have fun anyway! The kids loved it! See the sun coming out through the window????? =)And we're moving...Is that really the sun coming out?Then Jake found some food - he was a happy little guy the rest of the ride! See?Playtime with Mimi...Sam and his daddy cutting up!Jake was all tuckered out! Personally, I think Thomas looks a little creepy! BUT... kids love it!?The Lego Thomas was just as entertaining as the 'real' one!!!! Don't let these images fool you... they DID fall asleep as soon as we got back in the truck. However, and hour later, they both woke up. We ate dinner, and NEITHER of them went back to sleep until we got them in bed!And can you believe this little innocent guy SCREAMED for a good hour on the way home? You don't have to... I lived it!
We got back home about 9:30, got the kids in bed and crashed... only to get up and head to the zoo on Saturday! It was so worth it once we got going (it was basically me and BJ that had to get ourselves in gear - the kids were up and going full-steam regardless!). It was a beautiful day, and Sam and Jake LOVED looking at all of the animals. We were going to a Kids at Heart event (through CHOA), and went to lunch at the zoo with all the participants. This is the point where we are SO INCREDIBLY THANKFUL and GRATEFUL for Jake's health. There were kids there in wheelchairs and with other obvious 'issues.' Selfishly, we are so relieved and thankful that Jake is not like that. Thank the Lord!!!!!

Here we are with the big daddy stroller... ready for the zoo!
Heeheehee!!!!The elephants...That's a ferret in the background. And for the record, the kids were supposed to dress in their Halloween costumes, but Sam wouldn't and I didn't feel like making him. I DID draw whiskers on his face (he was supposed to be Mickey), but he promptly rubbed (most of) them off!!! Oh well.. can't win them all!
This was Sam's favorite... the giraffes, hedgehogs and something else that were in the same exhibit.Sam's favorite thing to tell us was, "OK, let's go see some more animals real quick!"Sam wasn't a fan of the Willie B statue!Nor of the actual gorillas... they just sat there!
They had lots of fall displays in the pavilion where we ate lunch (raw pizza)...Typical...
BJ was having to hold Sam up... I wasn't aware of that and was taking my sweet time to take the picture!!!!!The petting zoo...Sam decided to give this goat the leaf he had been carrying around for the last hour...

The goat dropped it, and Sam was trying to retrieve it!

That's about it for now... I think I'm up-to-date for now!!!!! WHEW....

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