Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Back to Normal...

What is normal, really, though??????

So Sam got sick, I got sick, then Jake got sick! YUCK!!!!! BJ played Mr. Mom while I was down, which was Thursday through Sunday... bless his heart! BUT - I remind myself that they are his children too so that I don't have to feel AS bad for him!!!!!! He actually really enjoyed spending time with his boys. I think they were all a little stir crazy by Sunday, though!!!!!! (One might ask HOW BJ avoids these sicknesses... my answer is I HAVE NO IDEA! But we'll take it!!!)

Nonetheless, six plus bed changes later (from the puke - theirs, not mine... I made it to the toilet), we are all back to 'normal,' whatever that is, and feeling much better!

Pictures will have to come later... not TOO many piled up yet, but I have a few Sam and Jake stories:
  • BJ put Sam in his bedroom for timeout (which BOTHERS him SO MUCH), and through the crying and hysterics, we hear him knocking on his door and saying, "Come on in!" Good thing he couldn't see us cause we started dying laughing!!!!
  • Sam's favorite line right now is, "Weeeellll...." with those little hands outstretched. Mimi asked him something the other day and he said, "Weeelll, Meems, if you say so." HAHAHA!!!!!!
  • Jake has grown up overnight. He is walking all over the place. Poor guy, when he gets going, Sam is right on his heels (WHY?), and usually ends up 'bumping' into him and knocking him down. "But it's not too bad," in Sam's words as we're putting him in time out!
  • Jake is a CLIMBER!!! He can climb up the ladder of his slide in no time. I don't have any pictures of this because I'm usually freaked out and running to the slide to be sure he doesn't fall... and he just has a BIG OLE grin on his little face! No major trauma yet (besides my minor heart attacks... normal for any mother of a toddler). The other day, I looked into the kitchen only to see his little head popped up over the island where he had climbed up Sam's 'helper ladder' in the kitchen!!!! That doesn't stay out anymore!!!!!
  • Jake is saying so much now. Probably not discernible to most, but I understand (and those who are around him regularly)! It's funny how I used to be that person looking at that 'proud mom' that thinks her kid is a genius and wondering what the heck her kid just said that could cause that look of pure proudness to cross her face. Well..... MY kid can say cute things now too.... and I TOTALLY get how parents can be so proud of the darndest things - heck, I about did flips when Sam tee teed in the potty the first time, and that's pretty normal!!!!!!!! ;)
  • Anyway, Jake says: "Amma" (Amen), "Amo" (Elmo), "Ah Duh" (All done), "Mee Mo" (Mickey Mouse), "Aba" (ball), "Abu" (book).... come on.... you couldn't figure those out???????
  • Discernible words include: "Mama," "Daddy" (I wish you could hear the inflection he uses over the blog, it's so cute), "Pop Pop" (of course! Mimi comes out as 'MayMe'), "Ni Ni" (night night), and a few others I can't think of right now! He also blows kisses (while saying "Mooha"), waves
  • And just today, Jake pointed to his diaper and said something (even I couldn't really discern that one), so I checked his diaper and there was POOPIE in there!!!! He was telling me he had a poop!!!! Pure genius already!!!!!!

1 comment:

Jen Reeves said...

You can't leave "Hey GiGi" out of Jake's vast vocabulary!