Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Friday, February 09, 2007


OK, so I gave Sam a bath today, and was 'lotioning' him down (lathering the Eucerin that's like OIL), and he just started SCREAMING!!!!!!!!! It scared me at first, but it was just because he was MAD that he couldn't get up and play!!!! OH MY.... what to do with little screamers?

Later on, we were in the living room, and I guess something frustrated him, and he SCREAMED again!!!!!!!! Oh Boy!!!

So, onto something else! Sam naps, MAYBE two hours total in a day... what do I do? Oh, I get on the computer... I blog, I email, I go to My Space, and I go to Facebook!!!!! You could literally spend HOURS doing this - I bet at least eight hrs could get by before someone would even notice they were gone! I have to re-learn balance, I suppose! My "time off" is spent on the computer! I can't keep going this way!!! =) There's a new video/song out on You Tube that says "25/8 I check the My Space" They're not kidding! At least I have Sam to keep me grounded!

What do these people do that spend HOURS, literally, on the computer??? Do they have a job? Definitely not kids!!!! And these kids need to get outside!!!! Well, not today... it's too cold!!!! =) OK, I need to get off the computer... I'm self-governing here!!!!! =)

Happy weekend!

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