Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Time continues to fly! This weather is incredible! Funny that it snowed just last week and now it's 70 degrees!?!!?!?

We have been out and about and keeping pretty busy! I recently confessed to a friend that I kind of feel like I have a bit of a life back now that Jake is walking (well, running) and talking and doesn't have to have whatever he wants IMMEDIATELY (all the time anyway!)! I am actually taking a class at church on Wednesday nights, so BJ meets me there and gets the kids - and they're in bed when I get home! Ahhhh... it's nice - a real night off! He is such a great Daddy and husband! Things are getting easier, for sure! I honestly wouldn't have anything in my life any other way!

Jake has a cardiologist appointment on March 20th... gut check time! Although, he is doing SO GOOD! Honestly, nobody would ever know anything was wrong with him - such a blessing! We continue to meet people in similar situations, and it continually makes me grateful for God in our lives and His amazing ability to heal. Jake is such a rare case, and had SO MANY MAJOR things wrong with his heart - it is truly miraculous! He is also scheduled to have his circumcision in early April. No, he never got to have that done... we were too busy trying to keep him alive! Another trip to Egleston and another surgery waiting in that waiting room!

But all is well... no complaints here!!!!!

Pictures will have to come later - too overwhelming to do it all right now... not sure why!!!!

Here are my latest Sam/Jake stories:
  • Sam is weaning off his naps, I am afraid! I'm so bummed! He usually naps still on school days and the weekends (so that's 4 days of the week), but the other three are pretty much history. That doesn't mean I don't try, though!!!!! He has also all but given up his paci! For over a week now, he doesn't use it at night, and if he doesn't mention it at naps, he doesn't use it then. BUT - I haven't totally taken it away from him for naps, in hopes that he will still take one! I just don't want the paci's exit to be a traumatic experience for him (or me)! He has only been using it at sleep time for a couple of years now - I didn't want the kid that constantly had the paci in his mouth for sure - not even when he was sick! It's strictly been a bed thing for a long long time!!!! Doesn't bother me - helps me out actually!
  • Sam's sleeping 'worse' and Jake's sleeping better! Karma!!!! He is a super-good baby! So loving! Got a big heart - ironic, I know!
  • Jake is certainly a Daddy's boy... probably because Sam is such a Mama's boy, but he wakes up asking for "Daddy?" each morning, and every time Stormie barks, he's running to the door yelling, "Daddy? Daddy? Daddy!!!!" BUT - I dare say he loves his Mommy quite a bit too!!!!!!
  • Lately, when we're in the car, Sam will say, "WHOA!!! WHOA!!! WHOA!!!! Mommy, are we going super fast????" I'm USUALLY going around the speed limit, for the record!!! He is so observant... he asks if "this is a big hill," and all about what is passing by! Jake is glued to the DVD! He gets in the car going, "Pees, Pees, PEEEEEES!!!!!" until it gets turned on!
  • We USED to have a ball pit (kind of like a kiddie pool with balls in it). Sam destroyed three of them, so I finally just took it back and gave up... not to mention 'balls, balls everywhere!' I DEFINITELY got my $5.99 out of that buyer protection plan!!! EVERY night, we were picking up balls, and it was an endless battle to get Sam to pick them up - or to keep focused to get them all. One night, he started picking one up and said, "I just think I'll need some help!"
  • Sam put Felipe (the philips head screwdriver from Handy Manny) in his pants and I asked him what he was doing. He replied, "I'm screwing." Ummmmm....
  • Sam is so sweet and kisses most of Jake's boo boos. Jake usually cries and runs to me or Sam to have us kiss it........ too bad they're usually inflicted by Sam!!!!
  • Jake STILL likes to play in the dog food. I just don't know! There is only one time that he spit it out and it was mush. Usually I get to him before that point! One time, I asked Sam to go look and see if Jake was in the dog food again. Sam said, "Yes I can because I am Super Sam!"
  • Jake will imitate EVERYTHING Sam does! Cute, bad, scary, funny... all at the same time! They laugh a lot together!!!!
  • Kids are literal. I get that, so I try to be painfully obvious when I give directions. For instance, I told Sam to "stay here until I wipe your face off." So Sam got out of his chair (NO, that's not what I meant!) and when I started to chastise him about it, he said, "But I stayed here!" How can you argue with that?
  • Sam cannot control the sound of his VOICE! Especially when Jake is sleeping - it's like it goes up a decibel or two!?
  • At night, we give the boys a bath together. BJ washes Jake then we get him out and dried off, then I wash Sam and put him in bed while BJ is putting Jake to bed. The other night, Sam said, "Mommy, you stay here and give me my bath. If you don't Daddy will give you a spanking!" (He always has to clarify that he wants me to give him his bath!? And seriously, I didn't think he gets THAT many spankings!? Maybe he was just trying to get across the severity of his need for ME to give him his bath!?
  • Last night, Sam went to the bathroom to go poopie. When he was done, I came in there to wipe him - only to find poop on his hands and shirt and tummy! He had tried to wipe himself!!!! YUCK! I'm not ready for him to be that self-sufficient! Neither is he, OBVIOUSLY!!!!!
  • Best story for last.... Sam ate breakfast naked this morning! Some battles aren't worth fighting! He decided to take his jammies off upstairs (usually he NEVER wants to take them off so he gets to eat breakfast then get dressed), and when he undresses himself, he TOTALLY undresses! So he came down naked, then Jake was INSISTENT that he was hungry and had to be fed. So by the time I got Jake in his seat and something started to cooking, Sam had himself buckled in his own seat announcing he would just eat his breakfast naked. So he did!!!!!

I love these kids! I haven't been as good about writing down all of the funnies we encounter day-to-day, but we smile and laugh all the time! They are so much fun!!!!

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