Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Update by Pictures

I haven't forgotten... I have put some updated pictures of our little man on here... finally!

I am feeling good - getting bigger by the day it feels like! BJ and I went to youth camp in Panama City last week - I started swelling in my legs and about had a emotional breakdown! Turns out it was probably just the food, late hours, minimal sleep and sun! Lesson learned! Sam was at Mama and Daddy's keeping them PRETTY busy!
He's just at that stage where he is ALL OVER the place, but doesn't exactly listen unless you have a hand on him pulling him away or whatever is required to distract him! All that said, he amazes me everyday! He will repeat words we say, and actions we do... so cute! He smiles and laughs ALL the time! But when he's fussy, watch out... he's making up for the extremely happy baby he is!!!

Here are a couple of pictures from his party... he ATE so much of his cake!

Here's the pretty cake!And he loves to help us when we go into the fridge... sometimes you can't even see him! Well, he really likes to help no matter where we go!!!He knows where to find his Goldfish too!!!This is Bo's $75 jet ski I was talking about! Isn't it a beaut???

And it fell off the back of the mule as they were driving it back up to the garage! Funny, because no one cared... we (they) just put it back on and kept going! Jennifer was letting us know that it wasn't her fault!!! =)

Everyone rode it, but, my blog, my picture! Preggy showed them all how to do it!!! =)Except Sam, he wasn't so keen on getting on this thing! (No, we didn't even put him in the water!!!)Isn't this ghetto-fabulous? Who says you have to make more than one trip???
Sam's starting early - talking on the phone while driving!!!And he's trick-riding already!!!! But he's really safe... keeps both hands on the wheel at all times - well, most of the time!Can't stop playing... even for milk!!!! There's no reason when you can drink and drive!!!
Playing is such hard work!Sam and Kaden at the park! What a difference 6 months makes!!! Kaden is sitting quietly until Mommy decides to get him out... Sam is ready to go run and find something much dirtier to get into!And here's Sam showing Kaden how to really PLAY with his cool toys! They actually sat there and stared at each other for a little while... it was so cute!And here's Sam's first escapade in the pool! He loved his boat!Really, he did!!!
Sprinkler water is just a TAD BIT cold for Sam...

So Mimi had to show him how it's done!And off we go to play in the yard with Rocky!This is the grin that says, "I know I am not supposed to be doing this, but I'm going to do it anyway!!!"This is the perfect speed for his car... he doesn't like to be far from someone or for us to use the remote to drive him!!! YET!!!!Sam's favorite place to play... on the hearth!!!!And he sleeps... but not for long, the flash woke him up!!!! But isn't he sweet????

So now you can see where the time goes! Nap time is 1-3 hours a day, but that's shower and get stuff done time for me now... no more 2-3 naps a day for us!!!! I still love every minute of it, though! But, I won't lie, breaks are nice! You know you have a hectic life when youth camp with 200 teenagers is a "break" to you!!!!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

LOVE all the pictures!