Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Always something interesting... to me anyway!

I had yet another epiphany about God... He really HAS thought of everything! For example: no parent thinks their kid is ugly. I have yet to talk to a parent that doesn't whip out a picture of "the cutest baby/kid in the world!" I will admit, unashamedly, that I am one of those. I always tell BJ, "but our kids REALLY ARE cute!" I could have the ugliest baby and toddler in the world, but I would never believe it nor would I see it... that's what's so wonderful about what God has done here!!!!

And don't get me started about grandparents... you just THINK your own kids were cute!!!

Back to the real world now... more of what my cute kids are up to! Basically, I could make these posts everyday... always something going on around here!

  • We went to Wal-Mart. Sam rode in the basket part of the cart and Jake rode in the front (in his cocoon seat that keeps him from touching ANYTHING). Sam opened a bag of raw hides for Stormie, a basket of beach toys that he kept whining about ("Want to go to the BEEEEAAAAACCCCCHHHHH!!!!!!"), and attempted to open crackers and dog treats. He kept standing up and rocking the cart - Jake enjoyed it, I had to threaten a spanking to get him to sit back down. The lady in front of us at the check-out had a gift card that wouldn't read, so it took an extra 10 minutes for them to get her finished - if I hadn't had my stuff on the belt already, I would have gone elsewhere... the boys were good... Jake entertained those waiting behind him by smiling and squealing; Sam entertained the cashier by rocking the cart again!
  • Sam and I played in the Thomas tent... Stormie even came in! When I entered, Sam informed me, "No diving!" (He learned that the hard way last night!). Sam gave us both BIG hugs. I LOVED it, Stormie - not so much!
  • Sam went over the fireplace (which is 'baby-gated' off... guess those are useless now) and opened the bookcase. Actually a good thing, because we found some baby toys I had forgotten about. Score for Jake!!!
  • Sam informed me that Tigger has a "butt." I am SO CAREFUL to say bottom or hiney... where that came from is beyond me...
  • Sam and his friend from across the street were playing with his golf clubs. Thanks to Sam, the Salvia in the planter on the porch looks a little worse for the wear. One is completely missing the flower part... pretty much just a nub! Well, it has character now!
  • Sam and BJ played helicopter outside until Sam was so dizzy he could no longer stand.
  • I had to tell Sam to "quit doing man-work on your brother," "Stop rolling over your brother," and "Don't push your brother" NUMEROUS times today... along with every other day!!!

Have I mentioned I have the cutest kids in the world????? Pictures are coming - one day soon!

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