Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Just another day...

Memories fade so fast. I want to be able to look back and remember 'what life was like' at this point... truly an adventure!


  • Sam woke up at 6:30 saying he needed to tee tee. His Pull-ups were soaked (something neither he nor I acknowledged - he never has accidents during the day, so I am not concerned about this night time stuff AT ALL... USUALLY, he doesn't even wet at night). We went potty then he said, "Mommy sleep with you?" How do you say no to that? He proceeded to take up the whole bed, and I laid on a sliver. He kicked me for the next 30 minutes and never went to sleep. Finally, we went to my room and he watched cartoons while I pumped and showered.
  • I had to completely change his bed and sheets.
  • Sam had friends over to play.
  • Jake took a 2-hour nap and a 1 1/2 hour nap... all in ONE day!? This was somewhat of a first. It's so rare that he naps more than 30 minutes!?
  • Sam and I were reading a book and working on opposites. He pointed out that a bird had his eyes open in one picture and closed in the other... something beyond what the book was saying!!!!!
  • Sam did MORE "man work" on Jake, who took most of it pretty well.
  • I had to tell Sam to "get off your brother" numerous times. He's just loving on him, but in his two-yr-old little way!!!!
  • We played outside. I pushed Sam and Jake in their swings. Jake has a baby swing and Sam has one that my grandfather made for me when I was his age. He LOVES it and will swing forever (in toddler time, that's 10-15 minutes) in it!
  • Sam hid from us in a corner (where we could TOTALLY see him). He then ran out at BJ, who side-stepped him, and he just kept going right into the dining room chair.
  • BJ grabbed Sam and started kissing on him, to which Sam replied, "No kissing, Dad!"
  • Sam dove into the door of his Thomas tent like the floor was magically made of water or cushions or something. Only cried for a few minutes - multiple kisses to the affected areas did wonders.
  • Sam repeats his prayers after us at night. He always has to add, "Bless my brother's heart" at the end. OOOOOOHHHHHH.... melt MY heart!!!!!

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