Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Monday, May 05, 2008

I love my life!

This weekend:

  • BJ and I went to the Atlanta Fish Market for dinner... just the two of us! Mama and Daddy came and babysat the boys. We ate slowly and had a leisurely dinner... we honestly didn't know what to do with ourselves!
  • We ate at "Chik-a-Way" for lunch. A cow came walking through the store (not a real one, folks), and Sam started crying. BJ took him to the bathroom, the cow returned a bit later... Sam cried again. BJ took Sam outside - they watched the cow through the windows while he played with the other kids, and Sam came back in and was fine. He kept talking about "Chikin" the cow (Sam named him - with BJ's help) like he was his best bud!? When the cow left, Sam was concerned as to where he went. We told him the cow had to go eat lunch too (me, being the blunt, no-nonsense mom said he went to eat grass and cud). Then Sam decided he went to Five Guys for a burger!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!! That's pretty funny - I don't care who you are!!!
  • Uncle Brandon gave Sam some small water guns and BJ a big one for their birthdays. Sam hasn't put them down. He woke up this morning and saw them downstairs and WHINED and WHINED to "go down and get guns!" and "Need guns!" Yeah, he know what he NEEDS now too!
  • Sam parked his Pooh plane at the couch and informed me it was at the Winder airport. I asked him what he was doing in Winder and he said "Eating lunch." Pop Pop had taken him there on their day of flying to eat lunch A LONG TIME AGO (in toddler time, anyway - it was a month or so ago)! He still remembers what he ate and everything!
  • Sam didn't cry when we handed him over to the lady at the nursery at church! This was a first!
  • Sam woke up too early from his nap, so BJ went to get him to lay back down. An hour later BJ came back down, CLAIMING he just laid there to make sure Sam was asleep good. Too bad I had peaked at them and they were BOTH out like a light!!!!!
  • Jake woke up at 2 AM Saturday night and didn't go back to sleep until 4:30!? Ugggg.....


  • Sam informed me, "Sam's a big boy." Glad he noticed! No, really, I try to tell him that a lot to try and make him feel like my helper, and it has also been a big help with the whole potty training thing too!
  • Jake had three poops before 11 this morning!? Such a change from being excited about one poop every three days!!! That was probably karma, because when Mama and Daddy kept them last Friday, I gave Jake prunes. It was just luck of the draw, but it ended up that right after I left he had a poop that went up between his shoulder blades!
  • Jake grabbed my water cup when he was on the table in his Bumbo and dumped the whole thing out. I got the table cleaned and the floor mopped up, and Sam pointed out that the table was leaking. I then had to pull it apart and mop up the inside of the table where the leaf goes... and mop the floor AGAIN! Sam was there helping saying, "Sam need screwdriver."

They're finally asleep, and I am tired! But I found myself wanting them to just stay the way they are right now! I'm not ready for them to grow up so fast! I love my 'job'!!!!!!

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