Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Picture time!!! Finally!!!

So I sucked it up and uploaded pictures... finally! Doesn't hurt that Sam's entertaining himself with his Thomas track (I build, he tears down and rebuilds a "Bootiful" track ) and Jake's napping! So here we go...

Remember that I got the four wheeler stuck at the farm awhile back? This is the 'damage'...

Sam, Pop Pop and Stormie cleaning up my mess!
Mimi giving Sam his second haircut! Only a little bit of blood... Sam didn't sit very still!!!
Rinsing the hair off. Sam wasn't TOO big a fan of the cold water! We have a well out there for your water nazis!!!! ;)

Jake watching and laughing at Sam and Mommy!

Sam posing for Mimi on one of his visits out there!

Posing again...

And Again...
And again... progressively getting 'nakeder'!!! Yep...
This was in February when Sam had just started using the big boy potty!!!
Happy little Jake!
Love this picture - DEFINITELY doesn't fit in the cooler anymore!!!
Now he's on the bar in the kitchen!?
The whole fam at Mother's Day!
Sam making a 'bootiful' track!Jake watching!
He's smiling so much, it's hard not to take a million pictures!Jack... the newest member of the family! My brother came home from work one day and said today is the day I will get a dog. And he did! Meet Jack, his little black lab puppy!Couldn't have picked a better one... a dog after his own heart!
Sam watching Super Why... his latest favorite show!Playing outside...
MMMMMAAAAARRRRRKKKKKK from across the street!Sam drinking his water while helping BJ dig up trees... Man Work at it's finest!

Thumbs up!Jake pulled everything from the side of his crib in his fight against sleep. He lost, but this is how I found him!?


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