Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


At the tender age of not-quite 29 (hey - I still have a couple of days =), I am cutting teeth!? I have always been a late bloomer, but COME ON!!!! I thought I had avoided the dreaded wisdom teeth, but I guess God decided it would be beneficial (or humorous) for me to cut teeth along with my children!!!!
Sam is a super-mess these days. He 'sings' now, and dances... and amuses himself along the way! He gives the best hugs and has even spontaniously told me, "Love you, Mommy!" OH - my heart melted!!!
Back when Sam had a cold, BJ was saying his prayers with him before he went to bed, and he said, "And bless Sam's nose..." and I busted out laughing! That was, what, two months ago? Well, every now and then, Sam says, "Bless my nose" in the midst of his prayers... then looks at me to see if I laugh!? Sometimes I JUST CAN'T HELP IT!!!!!!!!

Jake has overnight progressed from the 'blob' phase to 'more-active baby' phase!!!! (Except right now, he refuses to sleep, and is in his room with BJ crying). He rolled over for the first time a week ago (back-to-front, which is the 'hardest'... my dad has seen the front-to-back, which I have yet to see), and just yesterday, he sat up by himself! I snapped some pictures before he tumbled on over!!! Of course Sam was right there 'helping'!!!!!!
If one looks, the other doesn't!? Good Jake... This was the 'first attempt' at sitting up... he just started pulling himself to a sitting position... TOTALLY took me off guard!!!! Ran for the camera, though!!!!
Here's the first time he rolled over... I promise, he did... I was keeping Sam off while taking pictures... quite a feat!!!!!
Sam has found a new 'toy' in Jake... I guess he seems more like a person than something he's just not allowed to lay on/love on! It's been a fine line not letting him hurt Jake, but letting him love Jake WITHOUT hurting him! I don't want him to be afraid of Jake, or, more likely, dislike Jake because he gets disciplined for 'loving on' him... it's getting easier and easier, though - mainly because Jake can handle more and more!
Speaking of... we finally let Sam hold Jake! He kept giving him hugs - it was so cute! Definitely a two-man operation, though!!!Sam being Sam... anything to get a laugh!
His Daddy dressed him for church... yes those are STACKS of Krispy Kremes behind him!!!
Jake is eating solids now. Loved his prunes... but today I tried some veggies with his bananas, and he gagged himself to the point of puking! GREAT!!!!! I was hoping he would be my less-picky eater!!!!!!!
The other night, I went up to kiss Sam nite-nite before he went to sleep, and this is what I saw...He looks bored, doesn't he?Racing toilets at Authentic Weekend... what will they think of next???
Turning this picture would have taken way more effort than I could muster up at this point!!!

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