Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Day of Firsts...

It is never dull around here - and now we add an infant to the mix!

Let me start with yesterday, though... we went to the cardiologist - Jake got a great report. Anything 'different' about him and his heart is completely 'normal' and expected. Being there, brought us back to reality that Jake is 'different' and still needs extra love, attention and care. It also brought back memories of the dreadful day that Dr. Samai broke the news to us that Jake had a heart defect and would require surgery. After they did the echo of his heart, we went to a room to wait for the doctor to come talk to us... it was scary - we were nervous about what he would have to say - a little gun-shy, I suppose! He'll never be an Olympic athlete, but he can play sports (football probably wouldn't be the wisest sport), and play with the kids and will be able to keep up just fine. He'll be his own gauge insofar as his limitations... that's a wonderful relief too! God is good and is taking care of our little guy - and us!!!

When we left the cardiologist, BJ, Sam, Jake and I were in the car together - that was a first... and it was very fulfilling having all of us together like that! I sat in the middle of the boys - think that will be the case for quite awhile... some one's going to have to protect Jake! I had to pump - the car has become an 'easy' place to pump... multi-tasking!!!! I've still only driven and pumped once, though! Jake slept the whole way, thank the Lord, because Sam was a hoot... he was naming every car that BJ called out, he was telling us about "Jean (Jen) Dawgs" when he saw UGA flags on a car (Aunt Jen has brainwashed the child about "Dawgs" - so we taught him "Jean Dawgs LOSE" - heeheehee)! Sam was pulling my pump bag, grabbing at my milk, taking his shoes and socks off, then wanting them back on... you get the picture! All of it was fun, though!

We got home and fed Sam (and we ate) - Jake was still sleeping - the 2 1/2 hour dr visit wore him out! Got Sam in bed and FINALLY woke Jake up to feed him.

Then next morning, Sam woke up just before 7 am (he's still on daylight savings time), but I let him talk to himself in his crib for awhile (let's be honest, he was sitting in there calling Pop Pop and Mimi!). I went to the bathroom and was about to head into his room when we heard a thud. I ran to his room only to be met by Sam at the door - trotting on out! Yes, he crawled out of his crib - that was a first! He never broke stride. He landed on his feet and kept on trucking! YIKES!!!!

Right now, he is napping in his big boy bed (for the first time)! YIKES! I don't know which is scarier!!!!!????? All I do know is that my little boy is growing up!!!! =( BJ had to lay down with him and get him to sleep - I hope we still get a good nap out of him!? He will be sleeping in there for the first time tonight as well - praying that goes well too!!!!????

Oh, and another first... I nursed Jake for the first time since he was at Dekalb! It was a personal victory! He did really good for having had bottles for the last few weeks! When they weighed him yesterday, he weighed 7 lbs 13 oz - that means he gained MORE than a pound in a week!!!! WOW - he's gonna be a big boy, I am afraid!!!! That is so wonderful, though - he's five weeks old, and has finally gotten back over his birth weight!

This is our first weekend of just me and BJ and the boys (heeheehee) - that sounds so funny to say! It has been extremely eventful so far, and it has barely begun! We haven't even brushed our teeth or showered yet (the boys both have and are dressed and ready for the day, though!) - on our way to do that now! If it takes this long to get that far with BJ around, I guess I won't be getting ready for the day until after BJ gets home from work during the week!!!!!!!! =)

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