Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

At last...

Well, I quit trying to promise anything until I was actually going to do it!!!! So, here are some new (well, July, Aug and Sept) pictures of Sam!

He is growing like a weed, and he repeats everything we say! He is so adorably cute that I just can't ever seem to get over it! We laugh at/with him ALL the time! Just the other night, BJ was watching Clemson beat Florida State, and he got excited after they scored. Sam got excited too and started pumping his fists and jumping around - then he gave BJ a double high-five! He is just full of cute stuff like that!!!!!

He FINALLY started (somewhat) smiling for the camera a month or so ago!
And posing...When it gets quiet for longer than, oh, say TWO seconds, I know it's time to go see what he's up to... here is what I found - yes, he's in a fish bowl, and he, obviously, thinks it's SO FUN!And that it's a game to get in and out!!!!Daddy's little helper. I didn't get back with the camera quite in time to get him squatting next to BJ REALLY observing what he was doing!Push faster, Daddy!
Always up to no good!Sam loves his big doggie... he is always picking it up and carrying it around!Too bad it used to be Stormie's "safe place"!!!!!! This is Stormie during Sam's nap!!!!!
We like cream cheese now, can you tell?First of all, Sam has to have his milk (Moke) and water on hand at all times; second, I pulled out mine and Bo's little table, and Sam absolutely loves it! He's such a big boy with his milk, water and Cheerios (Chose) at the table!!! What a little ham he is!!!!
Looks are DEFINITELY deceiving right here. It would appear that he is quietly reading a book at his table, but, in reality, he is about to stand in the chair and try to climb on the table - then start running to get into something else!!!!I don't know when/how he learned this, but opening presents is no longer an obstacle!And the best part of the gift... the box!And he is so creative!!!! =)

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